Friday, November 6, 2015

Tithing Stories From the Grace Community... "Amy"

1) How has tithing impacted your personal journey with Christ?

I would say that tithing has shaped my life and helped me become the person I am. I remember as a kid in church I would always see my parents putting their offering in the offering plate and I always wanted to do the same.  Sure there were times when they let me put theirs in, but it just wasn’t the same for me. So when I got my first job I was so excited to be able to do my own tithe! I treasured being able to give back to God and I never thought twice about whether or not I should do it. I always knew it was something I was born to do and I do it happily!

2) Has it been hard/difficult for you? Do you find that you "miss" the money or do you find yourself discovering ways in which the Lord cares for you that you never would have thought of?  If it is the latter, do you have a story or two that you would like to share?
Tithing has always been a no brainer for me.  There were times like when I was going through college and when I bought a new car that I had bigger expenses that I had to budget for, but never once did I worry about making it work because I knew that God would provide for me. I managed to get through college with no school loans and pay off my car in four years!!  Would I say that I “miss” the money? The short answer is no. I had what I needed and usually what I wanted too! I have been extremely blessed in my life.  I learned to put value in my time whether spent with family, friends or volunteering with church. My most enriching experience comes through those times.

3) What has been the biggest impact tithing has had in your relationship with Christ?
I think tithing has taught me that there are no limits to what God can do through me and my gift and support of my church. One of the big reasons why I am glad to be at Grace is because even when I can’t reach those in need I know that my church has a mission and ministry that help our community, state and those around the world.  

Bottom line: I don’t tithe to be blessed; I tithe because I am already blessed. If God can use me, He can use anyone!

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